Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic Church
School of Religion
School of Religion is for our Parish's youth in grades K-8. Your child's attendance is necessary in certain grades if you would like them to receive the sacraments.
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Mr./Mrs./Ms. Insert Name here
Click here to register your child for Kindergarten School of Religion.
1st Grade
Mr./Mrs./Ms. Insert Name here
Attendance is necessary in this grade if you would like your child to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion in 2nd grade.
Click here to register your child for 1st Grade School of Religion.
2nd Grade
Mrs. Laverne Stevens
Second Grade School of Religion is necessary if you would like your child to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion.
Click here to register your child for 2nd Grade School of Religion.
3rd Grade
Mr./Mrs./Ms. Insert Name here
Click here to register your child for 3rd Grade School of Religion.
4th Grade
Mr./Mrs./Ms. Insert Name here
Click here to register your child for 4th Grade School of Religion
5th Grade
Mr./Mrs./Ms. Insert Name here
Click here to register your child for 5th Grade School of Religion.
6th Grade
Mr./Mrs./Ms. Insert Name here
Click here to register your child for 6th Grade School of Religion.
7th Grade
Mrs. Dee Jordan
Attendance is necessary in this grade if you would like your child to receive the sacrament of Confirmation in 8th grade.
Click here to register your child for 7th Grade School of Religion.
8th Grade
Mr. John Villarrubia
Attendance is necessary at this grade if you would like your child to receive the sacrament of Confirmation. Confirmation takes place in May.
Click here to register your child for 8th Grade School of Religion.